FEZ Cards Word Game

The new pack of cards EVERY HOME should have!


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Printing delayed, Games Expo ’22, AR, …

3D Rendered FEZ Cards

Quick post today!

Had word from the printer on Monday after a chase-up email to them that some packs of cards had been delayed printing because a varnishing machine was stuck in customs. I was told that regardless of the issue they would finish printing today Wednesday 17th regardless and that they would be despatched to me.

He said the ones that were printed looked great, so here’s hoping despatch by the end of the week and they will be in our hands by next week!

UK Games Expo ’22

The UK Games Expo is scheduled for 3-5th June 2022 and we will be there! We have some roll up banner stands that we got free from a kind person on trashnothing.com so we are planning on having a small stall there!! Hopefully with some games to sell but mainly to promote the game ready for a Kickstarter campaign. I may also try the Publisher Speed Dating again, nobody was interested August this year, but maybe my marketing sell sheet was rubbish!

Tickets for UK Games Expo go on sale next month Dec and we’ll be buying ours for the whole weekend and 7 months is enough time for me to sort out my 1920’s clobber!! Look out for a guy who looks like he’s time jumped a 100 years from the past!!

AR – Augmented Reality

I am working on the AR(Augmented Reality) marketing that demos the games you can play and hopefully you can even have a little play of the game with AR too. If I go for the publisher speed dating at UKGE then if AR doesn’t get them interested Kickstarter it is!

As I get releases of the AR I’ll update so people can download, have a play and gimme some feedback.

That’s all folks!!

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